Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library and Archive
The Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library will be closed from July 1, 2024, until early 2025 for general collections upkeep. This will include updating the inventory of books and other library materials, assessing the collection’s conservation needs, and overall restructuring the space to improve the experience for patrons. Therefore, during this time, the library’s books and other library materials will not be accessible. However, the archives will remain open for the same hours, Tuesday and Friday, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., and also by scheduled appointment. Please contact Rachel Johnston, Senior Registrar and Archivist, with any questions at rjohnston@allencountymuseum.org or 419-222-9426.
Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library and Archive
The Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library and Archive is located inside the Museum. The library and archive collections contain information about Allen County and the Greater Northwestern Ohio Region. There is an abundance of resources for researchers and genealogists. The entire collection of the library is non-circulating.
The Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library is curently closed. Send research requests to Rachel Johnston, Senior Registrar and Archivist, at rjohnston@allencountymuseum.org.
Newspaper Abbreviations
ACD= Allen County Democrat
DT= Democratic Times
LA= Lima Argus
LD= Logan Democrat
LG= Lima Gazette
LGG= Logan County Democrat
LM= ? LG
LWG= Lima Weekly Gazette
NAT= The National
POR= The Porcupine
PP= People’s Press
RH= Republican Herald
WG= Western Gazette
DWH= Delphos Weekly Herald
Vital Statistics Record Type Abbreviations
B= Births
D= Deaths
X= Divorces
M= Marriages